About Me

I became a mom in 2012 with the birth of my daughter, Lily. Motherhood fell in my lap, quickly, at 21. I was young, scared, and anxious. Surrounded by loved ones my fear left me and I settled into motherhood better than I ever could have dreamt. Fast forward to 2015, the birth of my son, James, brought other challenges. I was more prepared the second time around. However, pleasant and uncomplicated my labors were I was left feeling like birth “just happened” to me and I didn’t experience it in the way I now know I could experience birth.

Birth at any age is just as much a mystery as the next. That is why having a birth partner with knowledge of the labor process to guide you along is integral to the current day delivery room, be it in a birth center, hospital, or a coffeeshop bathroom. And a word to the wise, no matter how you birth your baby, you both still leave in diapers.

In my “off-hours,” I continue to learn more about the birth world through books, movies, mentors, studies through evidence-based sources. I love camping with my friends and family, knitting, running, snuggling up to my kids in the morning with my coffee and adventures to museums of all kinds and new places to discover with my supportive husband and family by my side.

Hello! My name is Celeste. My desire to become a doula started when I felt called to help and support women through their journey of birth before, during, and after. To this day, I believe my own experience of childbirth with my daughter would have been positively different if I had the opportunity of having a doula. Creating life and bringing it into this world is a superpower women have, and I want to empower other women from all walks of life through this physical, emotional, and spiritual process. Everyone’s childbirth story is different, and I enjoy hearing and learning from their experiences.

I love working with babies and have many years of experience, as I worked at a daycare before, during, and after my daughter was born. I am naturally an empathetic and nurturing woman and find joy in making sure everyone around me is well and healthy. My partner and I have big families and we enjoy spending lots of quality time with everyone and creating new memories for my daughter, Alayna.

  • Birth Doula & Breastfeeding Counselor

Meet My Back-Up Doula

In the unlikely event that I am unable to attend your birth a trusted back-up doula will be provided.